Friday Memo - October 28, 2016

MACTE Conference: October 24 - 26
Susan Hladky, Alicia Noddings and I attended the MACTE Conference at the lake. You can find our notes on the shared Canvas PD shell. The hot topics of this conference were yearlong internships, APR, AAT, and federal regulations.

Way to go, Dr. E!
Dr. Mark Engelhardt performed at the October band concert in Pillsbury Chapel.  He has played with the band since he started working for MBU. Thanks for sharing your talents with the university and community!

Classroom Activity with Dr. Engelhardt
On Thursday, October 27 Dr. Engelhardt invited some Education Division folks to join his class for a mathematical experiment.  We stood in a circle and he would start by squeezing the person's hand next to him and the hand squeezing would continue around the circle until it returned to Mark. A person was added to the circle each time and two students were tracking the time.  His students will graph the data on a Cartesian Graph / Plane and then derive an algebraic expression to define the line.

MEES Training: Friday, October 28
Susan Hladky, Mary Ann Bouas, Paul Crisler, Mike Locke, Betty Schrader, Kurt Bauche and I attended the MEES training today. University supervisors of student teachers are required to attend this training that is designed to deepen our understanding of the MEES and to help us validate the scores we give our students.

Upcoming Meetings:
November 8:  Education Division Faculty Meeting at 10:45 am in FLD 115 Conference Room
November 10: MoGEA Writing Prep Seminar at 4 pm in FLD 102

Closing Thoughts:
I have so many things for which to be thankful. I am grateful for the beauty of our campus and the location of our parking lots. I love that our campus is nestled in the middle of a busy city back here in this quiet plot of land where deer can be seen and there are many trees and greenery. The grounds crew does a great job keeping our university looking beautiful. I am also grateful for our parking lots. You may be thinking, what a weird thing to be thankful for. Many university campuses do not have adequate parking facilities. If you get here early enough, you can find a parking spot within 30 feet of a door. Faculty at Washington University have to pay a monthly parking fee over $50 and that doesn't guarantee them a spot. They sometimes have to drive around for a long time looking for a spot. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Vosskamp has challenged me to be grateful for all things. What are you thankful for?


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