Friday Memo 10/9/15

MoPTA Task 4 Webinar on MBU Campus!
Hap Hairston, Director of Educator Preparation in the Office of Educator Quality at DESE has asked me if we would be willing to host the Task 4 webinar this coming Wednesday night on our campus. The first webinar was hosted at Missouri State, the second webinar was hosted at University of Central Missouri, and I am pleased that DESE has asked us to host the webinar for Task 4. I would like to encourage all faculty members and students to join us. Student Teaching Seminar instructors and Student Teaching Supervisors are encouraged to attend, but other faculty members who are interested in learning more about this new performance assessment are encouraged to join us as we are able to ask questions and learn more information directly from DESE representatives. Please encourage your students to attend as we would like to have a good representation of our faculty and students in attendance.

Feel free to share the following information on your Canvas shell or in an email to your students:

MoPTA Task 4 Webinar Live with DESE's Director of Educator Preparation, Gale Hairston.
When: Wednesday, October 14   6:00pm 
Where: MBU Main Campus    Field Building      Room 310
Who: Student Teachers, Supervisors, Future Student Teachers, Faculty Members
Image Source:

Data Wall Analysis using Bake Off data
Jason Lievanos, MBU adjunct and Assistant Principal at Wildwood Middle School, created a perfect opportunity to combine community building, food, and data analysis to create a fantastic opportunity for his students in ECTA 323 Curriculum, Assessment, and Data-Based Decision Making.
According to Jason, "Students put together a Bake Off for our final class in an effort to build community and comradary among students and staff at our extension site. We face different challenges connecting and growing our students but innovative approaches that are driven by students moves us past them. Students organized and welcomed guest judges, Jim Chellew and Kathleen Wendt! Tying our bake off back to class, we used a data wall to analyze votes to find our winner and then used the data to synthesize what future entries may have higher ratings based on the data. This was all tied back to educational data analysis and response through instruction.A great time had by all!"

If you are conducting meaningful activities in your class that you would like to share, please email them to me.
Students, Jim Chellew, and Kathleen enjoying the baked goods.

Data Wall

Data used for analysis

CEEDAR Webinar
Monday we hosted a representative from UMSL and MoCASE to participate in a webinar with other institutions in the state, DESE representatives and our CEEDAR facilitators at Kansas University to discuss our next steps. We reviewed our state goals, our university goals and core team members. Shelton Smith and I also reviewed activities that need to be prepared for our initial meeting and identified professional learning needs and opportunities for our team members. Susan Hladky will serve as our Core Team Leader.

Teaching Professor Technology Conference
David Collum, Tim Delicath, and I learned some excellent information at our conference last weekend. I have created a Professional Development Shell for all Education Division faculty members. You should see it on your list of courses. When you attend conferences, I would like you to submit a report about what you learned and we will share the information on our PD Canvas course. I have uploaded some presentation information I thought might interest some of you. Please check it out.
Dr. Tim opening up the presentation

Tim, Melanie, and David at the conclusion of our presentation.

Local School Partnership Discussion
After visiting my student teacher at Festus Middle School, I attended a meeting with two local elementary principals to discuss a possible partnership. We talked about opportunities to allow our students to complete field experience hours and student teaching in their building where exciting things are happening in their classrooms. This school utilizes a lot of technology through a 1-to-1 initiative, and they also implement multi-tiered systems of support. We are excited about the possibilities. If you know of an administrator who is interested in establishing a partnership, please send him/her my way.

Strategic Planning
Alicia Noddings and I are continuing to put together our Strategic Plan. As we sift through data to determine our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, short-term and long-term goals we are encouraged that the data is helping us make program decisions.

Administrative Assistant Position Interviews
A committee has been interviewing candidates this week for the Administrative Assistant Position. A candidate has been selected, and she will begin on November 1st. I look forward to sharing more information about our new team member in the coming weeks.

Mobile Learning Initiative Meeting
Alicia Noddings, Sheri Brandt, Michael Broombaugh and I met to discuss our initiative. We discussed BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and the potential of this type of technology integration. We shared apps and discussed proposing a presentation at the METC (Midwest Educator Technology Conference) in February 2016.

Canvas tutorials
Alicia Noddings will be sharing some Canvas pointers about uploading videos at our faculty meeting on Tuesday. Here are a few videos you may want to watch.
Upload a video file in Canvas
YouTube is Easy in Canvas

Spartan Preview Day Tomorrow
Ricki Roth and I will be representing the Education Division tomorrow at Spartan Preview Day. If you know anyone interested in becoming a Spartan, I encourage you to invite him/her to attend a Spartan Preview Day. Cynthia Sutton and the Admissions Department does a great job with these events!

Friendly Reminders
  • Faculty Mtg     Monday, October 12     3:00pm     Recital Hall
  • Division Faculty Mtg     Tuesday, October 13     10:15am - 11:45am     FLD Conference Room
  • Division Professional Development Mtg     Tuesday, October 20     10:15am - 11:45am     FLD Conf
  • FASR due Monday, November 9th
In closing today I would like to share a scripture that reminds me how important each and everyone of you are in our division and in the institution. Everyone is needed!

The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with t; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
1 Corinthians 12:21-22, 25-26

At MBU we are a family. I am honored to work at an institution where we genuinely care about one another and when one of us suffers, we all suffer, and if one is honored, we all rejoice!


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