Friday Memo 10/30/15

 MACTE Conference
The Fall MACTE (Missouri Association of Colleges of Teacher Education) conference was Monday - Wednesday. Alicia Noddings, Erica Bumpers, Tonia Crane, Susan Hladky, and I attended a variety of meetings ranging in topics from MoPTA to MEES to Instructional Technology. For summaries of the workshops attended, please see the Education Division's Professional Development Course Shell found on all division faculty members' list of Canvas courses.
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Visit to Lindbergh Schools
Shelton Smith and I met with one of our doctoral students, Suzanne Bright, along with Brian McKenney, Lindbergh's Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. Thanks to those of you who serve on doctoral committees. I would like to encourage those of you who serve on committees to go the extra mile with your doctoral students. Respond to emails in a timely manner and help guide your doctoral student(s) through the arduous dissertation process.

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Project SUCCEED - Seeking University Career Connections to Expand Educational Discovery
This morning I met with the School Counselor, Sharon Paulette-Selvey, and a Ferguson-Florissant School District Social Worker, Debbie Bodden, to discuss a partnership with MBU and Airport Elementary School. This mission of the project is to build a lasting partnership between Ferguson-Florissant School District and local colleges and universities. The goal is to provide children at the elementary level the opportunity for each child to be exposed to the prospect of attending college and the diverse careers that stem from such education. Debbie and Sharon discussed that students at Airport Elementary have limited knowledge of the various occupations that exist.  We brainstormed a variety of ways that MBU could assist in the project. You will hear more about this partnership in the near future.

Library Updates
The library has recently acquired two dvds  with the title:  Engaging students with poverty in mind.  If you want to check these out, the call numbers are DVD534 and DVD535.  Just ask for them at the circulation desk.  Kristin Clemons, adjunct instructor who teaches Introduction and Methods of Teaching and Inclusion for Students with Cross-Categorical Disabilities, has recently requested the dvd, Including Samuel. The library has purchased this movie and it will be available in the library soon. If you are in need of a resource to use in your class(es), please let me know and I will do my best to get you what you need.
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Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam Study Session
I want to give a huge shout out to the Counseling Faculty for their efforts as they provided a study session for their students a few weeks ago to help them prepare for the comprehensive exam. Twelve students attended the session, 4 Dual track and 8 Licensure only.  Mary Ann Conaway, Laura Rauscher, Jeremy Ruckstaetter, Joe Pangelinan, and Michael Kreitler were very skilled in presenting the material. 
The feedback from students was very positive. Here are a few of the comments when asked "What was helpful about the study session?"
  • Everything! It really helps to have some sort of idea what to study
  • Everything was FANTASTIC!
  • EXTREMELY; Admit I felt somewhat overwhelmed because of amount of material to be covered, but put it into more realistic terms when Laura displayed number of questions and scoring rubric
  • Powerpoints and notes from all 8 areas; good review, reminders, show areas need to learn, study, review, etc.
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Click the link above for more information about the Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education two-day conference in January that I would like to encourage you to attend. Because of our involvement in the CEEDAR Reform Initiative, MBU's faculty and students will not have to pay for the registration fee and travel expenses.

Administrative Assistant Update
Nancy Sickler will be my new administrative assistant. Her first day on the job is this coming Monday. I am so excited for her to be joining our team. You are going to love her! Stop by the office Monday to welcome her to the Spartan family! She comes to us with many years of experience serving in administrative assistant positions at central office in the Wentzville School District. 

Webinar Information
Thanks to Shelton and Lowell for participating in the MTSS webinar offered by the IRIS center on Wednesday. I would like to encourage all of you to participate in another webinar opportunity. Click the link below to register. Mark Engelhardt, thanks for sharing the information. See description below:

Tuesday, November 3, 4:30 pm CST

Increase your students’ reading comprehension and critical literacy skills! Perspectives for a Diverse America, our anti-bias curriculum, offers an anthology of free readings that reflect the lived experiences of diverse readers (mirrors) and provide insights about the lived experiences of others (windows). This webinar will demonstrate how culturally responsive literacy instruction leverages rigor and relevance to keep your students engaged and inspired to learn.

Upcoming Events & Deadlines
  • CACREP Planning Meeting     Thursday, 11/5   10:00am
  • Faculty Meeting     Monday, 11/9    3:00pm   Recital Hall
  • FASR Due    Monday, 11/9
  • Division Faculty Meeting     Tuesday, 11/10     10:15am     FLD Conference Room
  • Who's Who Nominations Due    Friday, 11/13
In closing today, I would like to take a moment to ask each and everyone of you to stop and say a prayer for Sheri Brandt's 10 year old stepson, Blake, who was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. I can't even imagine the anguish and fear that Sheri, her husband-Steve, and Blake must be experiencing right now. May the words found in Matthew 11:28-29 bring Sheri and her family peace and comfort during these difficult times. We love you, Sheri, and we are praying for your family.

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