Friday Memo: November 3, 2017

Education Division Organization Meeting
On Wednesday, October 25 the Education Division Student Organizations met. This meeting is for education students who are part of one or more of the following professional organizations: SASCD is the student chapter of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development; SMSTA is the pre-professional organization for Missouri State Teachers Association; and KDP is Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 6 at 3:30 p.m. in FLD 308. The topic for this meeting will be Diversity in the Classroom. Please share this information with your students. These organizations are very beneficial for them. Contact Ricki Roth if you have any questions or need brochures. Please share this information with your students.

Education Directors' Meeting
A Directors' meeting was held on Tuesday, October 31. The directors for teacher education met and we reviewed the MEES data that was in our CAEP Self-Study.

We also took a trip to see the Library's Education Collection. The library is in the process of reducing their collections. They need our help in two ways: 1) Please go to the library and ask for Rebekah McKinney. She will give you some purple slips of paper and will show you where the Education books, curriculum, and children's library is located. Place the purple slips of paper into the books that can be removed from the library. If we don't give them our input, they will choose which books go and which books stay based on circulation patterns. 2) Please go to the Education Division Professional Development Canvas Shell and look at all of the collections. If there are titles that you are interested in or that you check out on a regular basis, please let Rebecca McKinney know.

Diana Dell Serves as Reviewer
The International Society for Technology in Education Conference will be held in March 2018 in Washington D.C. Diana was one of twenty educators from Missouri to serve as a reviewer for submitted presentations for the ISTE 2018. Way to go, Diana!

Faculty Led Chapel
The chapel service on November 2 was faculty led. Dr. Easter presided over five faculty members and asked them questions such as "Why are you still a Christian?" and "Has your education affected your belief?" It was an interesting topic and an edifying experience. The panel consisted of Dr. Holly Brand, Dr. Shantha Pieris, myself, Dr. Keith Beutler, and Dr. Jonathan Blackmon.

Nov. 8 (1-2pm), The Perk
Employers expect resumes to show how qualified you are for the job. This workshop will cover the structure and style of the resume. Bring your current resume to discuss and receive feedback during the workshop!
Contact Elizabeth Busekrus at to RSVP by November 7.

Upcoming Meetings
November 14: Education Division Faculty Meeting at 10:15 a.m. in FLD 115
December 13: Christmas Lunch Gathering

Closing Thoughts
Thanks to those of you who joined us in chapel on Thursday. I challenged the students to choose to follow Christ through their actions on social media. We choose to follow many people and organizations through facebook, instagram, twitter, and snapchat.  We allow those we follow to push content into our thoughts every time we take a mental break from our reality and scroll through the content of those we follow. I asked the students to take out their cell phones and open their favorite social media site.

Just as I told the students, I am asking you to go to your favorite social media and unfollow at least one person or organization you follow that is not good. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

God wants us to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. We should follow Christ by following edifying people on our social media accounts. Follow those who post uplifting content, not those who post content that is not inspiring, moving, or challenging you to improve.

Follow Christ by who you follow on social media.


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