Friday Memo 4/15/16

Council for Exceptional Children Convention
A number of faculty and students have had the wonderful opportunity to attend the national CEC convention over the last few days. This year's conference is in St. Louis and thanks to the CEEDAR grant that funded all expenses related to our attendance at the conference, we have learned so much that we can apply in our classes and programs. Carl Holschen, Mary Ann Bouas, Susan Hladky, Alicia Noddings, Tonia Crane, Mark Engelhardt, Melanie Bloom, Diane Denney and Kristin Clemons were all able to attend.

Diane Denney with Temple Grandin, CEC Keynote Speaker

Me and Marieann Barratt, MBU student

Ed.D. & Ed. Admin Update
New Cohort - We have been interviewing future students and reviewing writing samples to determine the next cohort of students. Thanks to those of you who take time out of your busy schedule to participate in this important screening process.
Graduates Present Research - Dr. Terri Parks & Dr. Carl Imhoff presented their research at the Missouri Professors of Ed Admin meeting today in Columbia. Shelton Smith, Marsha Tierney, and Marty Riggs are also at MPEA today

Cardinals' Season Opener Watch Party
The Lighten Up Committee hosted a fantastic event in the SRC as faculty, staff, and students got to enjoy the game, while eating hot dogs, nachos, and popcorn and drinking rootbeer.

Title II Report
Angela McGowan, Tonia Crane, and I met to discuss the data that we must submit annually for the Title II Report. Click here if you would like to view last year's Title II Report.

Counseling Update
The counseling faculty members worked on 6 curriculum proposals to align our licensure program to the CACREP standards. The graduate affairs committee approved the proposals. The counseling faculty will continue to work on the curricular revisions at the May 5th work day. A special thank you goes to Jeremy Ruckstaetter for his efforts to push these changes forward.

Program Review
Program Directors are in the process of completing their annual program review. Today I emailed them screen shots with directions on how to access their program template in Campus Labs. Please complete your review before you leave for summer break.

Faculty Credentialing Survey
Way to go full-time faculty members, 100% of you completed your faculty credentialing survey. The staff are in the process of calling all adjunct faculty members who have not completed the survey. It is important that all faculty, full-time and adjunct, complete the survey for our upcoming HLC visit. If you are an adjunct and have not completed the survey, please take some time to do so. If you are strapped for time, please complete the first few pages of the survey related to your credentials.

Climate Survey
Please take a few minutes to take a climate survey. Click here to take the survey. This survey will take you less than five minutes.

Great job to many of the faculty who remembered the specific standards. Here they are again for your review. Don't forget to mark your calendar for our May 5th work day.
Standard 1: Content & Pedagogical Knowledge
Standard 2: Clinical Partnerships & Practice
Standard 3: Candidate Quality, Recruitment, & Selectivity
Standard 4: Program Impact
Standard 5: Provider Quality, Continuous Improvement, and Capacity

Early Childhood Update
Alicia Noddings has been accepted as a reviewer for the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. Congratulations, Alicia!

Center for Global Education Update
Please keep Tonia Crane in your prayers as she travels to Beirut next week. She is working with the CGE to share with educators in the middle east about special education and empowering teachers to make accommodations to meet the needs of all learners.

Prayer Requests
Please keep Ron Brandly in your prayers as he is battling stomach cancer. He will have surgery next week.

Upcoming Dates to Remember

  • Faculty Meeting     Monday, 4/18  3:00pm   Recital Hall
  • Division PLC Meeting     Tuesday, 4/26  10:15am    FLD Conference Room
  • Graduation     Tuesday, 5/3     Family Arena
  • CAEP Retreat     Thursday, 5/5     President's Board Room

Closing Thoughts
As I was reading my Bible this morning, I was reminded of how important all of us are in the Body of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 12:12, Paul reminds us that "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ."
All of you play an important role not only in the Education division, but within the body of Christ. We all play a critical role and we need each other to do the complete job God has called us to. Thank you for the role you play in the division and in the body of Christ.

Have a great weekend!


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