Friday Memo 1/15/16

Baby Girl Rauscher has arrived!
Congratulations to Laura and her husband on the safe arrival of their beautiful baby girl, Monaghyn Rayne Rauscher. She was born on Tuesday at 3:44pm weighing 9 lb 8 oz and 21 1/4 inches in length. We praise God for this beautiful life!
Baby Girl Rauscher

Image Source:
Susan Hladky, Mark Engelhardt, Sheri Brandt, and I are at the Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education Winter Conference in Columbia. Some of our adjunct instructors are also attending the conference. Jane Brown, Jason Lievanos, and Deanna Kitson are here learning important information that they can take back to their school districts.
We listened to educational lawyers discuss special education and Office of Civil Rights issues. Yesterday afternoon the keynote speaker, Matthew Burns, Associate Dean for Research for the College of Education at the University of Missouri, presented a fascinating presentation regarding MTSS – Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. We need to ensure that we are preparing teacher and leader candidates who understand the need for MTSS and ways in which to implement the instructional and behavior supports that have proven to be effective to meet the needs of students, in particular with their reading comprehension. Today’s speakers will be talking about creation of a conceptual and comprehensive framework for both academic and behavioral support for all students.

Image Source:

Program Review
If you are a director of a program, please be thinking about your program objectives, assessments aligned to those objectives, and evidence that you can use to demonstrate we are providing students with the opportunities to master the program objectives. I will be sending you an email in the coming weeks with a request for some narrative regarding your program.

I attended a Missouri Council of Education Deans meeting on Monday. I appreciate that this group was created two years ago because it provides an opportunity for deans to get together to discuss a variety of issues, in particular the certification and assessment changes in educator preparation. We discussed MoPTA and MoSLPA problems. We also discussed DESE program approval as we work through the transition to the new certification rules.

Lincoln County R-III meeting
Mary Sue Thompson and I met with about 15 faculty members in the Lincoln County-RIII school district to discuss the possibility of starting a cohort of students who will pursue an MEA, MAT, or Ed. S. and attend classes in the Lincoln County R-III schools. We are hoping to begin these new cohorts during the second 8-week term. 
Image Source:

Spring Faculty Conference

For those of you who attended, you can attest to the outstanding and inspiring speaker, Adrian Simien, who shared his life story. Not only did he clearly communicate the positive impact that MBU had in his life journey out of poverty, but he described his faculty members as superheroes. Faculty members walking into class in their normal clothes, just as Superman walks in with his normal clothes, have the ability to do so much more for students than teach. Please be encouraged and reminded that you are a superhero to your students, even when you don't realize it. As an example, one of our students, Emily Woodall, sent the division a card communicating her appreciation to you all for your training. See below.
Adrien Simeon

Note from Education student, Emily Woodall

Canvas Training 
Many of you took advantage of the training provided. Hopefully, you are feeling more comfortable with Canvas this second semester of implementation. Remember that Alicia Noddings is available to support you with all of your Canvas questions.
Canvas Training

Nichole Dales, Ricki Roth, and Mary Ann Bouas met with the student organization on main campus this week. I am excited that this group is active again and look forward to supporting them as they participate in these professional organizations.
Main Campus Student MSTA/ASCD Organization Meeting

Field Experience Orientation
Thanks to those of you who presented and attended the field experience orientation. I am looking forward to moving our field experiences forward as we establish partnerships with local PK-12 schools to provide intentional experiences with our students.

Field Experience II Partnership with Henderson Elementary
The main campus Field II elementary students will be participating in the practicum together at Henderson Elementary in the Francis Howell School District. This school has been identified as a school that is effectively implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. Susan Hladky will be supervising this group of students and working with the teachers and administrators to create an authentic and intentional field experience. 
Field Experience Orientation - MSTA Field Director Debbi McElwaine

Mary Ann Bouas sharing advice at the Field Experience Orientation.

Upcoming Important Dates:
  • MLK Holiday     Monday, 1/18    All night classes will have class. Day classes and offices will be closed.
  • Faculty Meeting     Monday, 1/25    3:00pm     Recital Hall
  • Division Faculty PLC Meeting     Tuesday, 1/26     10:15am - 11:45am     FLD Conference Rm

Closing Thoughts
A friend sent me a devotional this morning that I want to summarize as you may find encouragement in it.
Exodus 14:13 - Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord.
As we seek to find balance in our busy lives, we need to be reminded of this promise. Instead of allowing ourselves to be "stressed out", we need to stand still and get into an atmosphere of faith and trust in God. The picture below is of a sunrise I was blessed to witness over the Christmas break as our family vacationed to Florida. May this picture bless you and remind you of God's greatness and majesty. When I see His beautiful creation I am reminded of how big He is and how small I am. And that understanding helps me "fear not and stand still."
Gorgeous sunrise in Florida


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