Friday Memo 2/20/15

February is for Flipping!!!
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I was inspired last week at the METC conference to consider flipping professional development. Tuesday's faculty/professional development meeting will be flipped. I look forward to seeing all full-time faculty members and adjunct faculty members are welcome to attend. If you can come to the meeting, please watch the following youtube Flipped PD Screencast

By watching the Flipped PD Screencast you will learn information prior to the meeting so we can build on that information and dig deeper into the topics discussed. Please bring a mobile device if you have one - smartphone, tablet, or laptop. 

My objectives for our professional development Tuesday are:
  1. Participants will recognize the different components of the SAMR technology learning model.
  2. Participants will apply the SAMR model to existing teaching practices.
  3. Participants will observe and use new online applications to enhance teacher and leader preparation.

Here is a review of this past week:
Staff/Faculty Inservice
Hopefully, many of you were able to attend the inservice provided on Wednesday. We were presented with some excellent topics and speakers. Aaron Lacey presented hot topics in higher education law. He was an excellent speaker and articulated clearly the issues that are impacting our field. In addition to Aaron, a variety of staff members shared how one person can make a difference for our students. 
Janet Mayfield sharing how one person can make a difference!
Curriculum Task Force
The group met this week to continue reviewing our curriculum. Thanks to Kathleen Wendt, we were able to review data collected from our student scores on the new Missouri Content Assessments. We will review this data at the faculty meeting on Tuesday.
Curriculum Task Force

Upcoming Meetings and Events:
Monday, February 23 Faculty Meeting 3:30pm Recital Hall
Tuesday, February 24 Division Faculty/Professional Development Meeting 10:15am-11:45am FLD Conference Room
Monday - Wednesday, March 2-4 MACTE Meeting in Jefferson City
Monday - Friday, March 9-13 MBU Spring Break

In closing this week I would like all of you to reflect on Janet Mayfield's comments from Wednesday, "When dealing with our customers - listen, smile, and exceed their expectations. Customer satisfaction is important. One person can make a difference. Show care and compassion to our customers and it may produce customer loyalty. It doesn't matter what job you have at Missouri Baptist, you make a difference."

Stay warm this weekend!


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