Friday Memo - 2/13/15

The MBU Mobile Learning Team (minus Alicia Noddings)
METC Conference 
The highlight of this week for me was presenting and participating in the METC - Midwest Educator Technology Conference. I learned a lot of information about how PK-12 schools are utilizing and integrating technology into their instruction. I also enjoyed working with Sharon Sumner, Sheri Brandes, Michael Broombaugh, and Tyler Pitts to present our mobile learning initiative. Our presence at conferences like this allows practicing educators and leaders in the area to recognize that MBU is working to stay current. Perhaps some of them may join us in our graduate programs.
One of the slides in our presentation

Keynote speakers Gwyneth Jones and Jaime Casap were fantastic!

Amber Henry is all smiles!

Sharon Sumner did a great job!

It's hard to see but Bill Bass, Greg Lawrence, and Gina Hartman presented a Cool Tool Duel workshop. They are adjuncts in our MET program. I will be sharing some of the cool tools with you all at the next faculty meeting.

In addition to the METC conference, I interviewed a potential adjunct instructor. It was a pleasure meeting Dr. Aaron Cornman, superintendent at Hillsboro, and discussing possible courses he can teach for us.

A committee will be interviewing a potential candidate as a full-time faculty member in the Counseling Program this coming Monday morning. The candidate will be traveling to St. Louis from Chicago. Hopefully, the snow will stay away so we can conduct this interview.

Data Review
Kathleen Wendt and I reviewed the data received so far regarding our students' scores on the new Missouri Content Assessments. Please note that we will be adjusting curriculum to ensure our students are successful on these licensing exams. We will be soliciting your input to align our curriculum to the assessment frameworks. 

Prayer Request
Please keep Alicia Noddings in your prayers. She had a skiing accident and broke her leg. She will be having surgery next week.

Upcoming Meetings and Events
Monday  2/16     Spartan Preview Day
Wednesday 2/18     Faculty & Staff In-Service Day
Wednesday 2/18     Curriculum Design Task Force Meeting 1:00pm - 2:30pm Field Conference Room 
Monday 2/23     Faculty Meeting 3:30pm - Recital Hall
Tuesday 2/24     Division Faculty/PD Meeting  10:15am - 11:45am - Field Conference Room
Monday  3/1-3/3     MACTE

Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow! Hopefully you will get to spend some time this weekend with your loved ones and remember that "We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19


Valentine image found at


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