Friday Memo: October 5, 2018

Fall Speaker Series
Dr. Marcus Goodloe was the speaker for the Fall Speaker Series on Tuesday, October 2. He is a great inspirational speaker and spoke about H.A.B.I.T.S.  H = Have Fun; A = Assume the Best of Others; B = Be Good Soil; I = Insist on Excellence; T = Treat the Needs of Others as Sacred; S = Seek Community.

On Wednesday, October 3, Dr. Goodloe spoke about how God speaks to us. We need to be open and ready to hear.

Education Organization Meeting
A Teach On Meet & Greet was held on Monday, October 1 at 12:30 pm at the Perk with a complimentary lunch from Chick-Fil-A. Dr. Susan Hladky and Dr. Bridgett Niedringhaus had information for students on ASCD, MSTA, and Kappa Delta Pi.

Submitted by Patrick Cleveland
Patrick Cleveland and Jason Jordan attended the American Play Therapy Conference in Phoenix this week.
Patrick with Louise Guerney & Garry Landreth  
Missouri Baptist University School of Education

Upcoming Meetings
October 9: Faculty meeting CANCELED
October 30: Directors Meeting at 10:15 am in FLD 115

Closing Thoughts
The speaker for the Fall Speaker Series was so very inspiring and engaging! For those of you who weren't able to attend I encourage you to get your hands on Marcus Goodloe's book, Six Steps to the Art of Influence - HABITS. Goodie's first step was that we need to HAVE FUN! As we train future school teachers, leaders, and counselors, we need to remind them to have fun with their students. I am not sure how that would work in the world of clinical mental health, but as we prepare professionals who interact with students and clients a contributing factor to building relationships with people is laughing together and having fun. This morning I had the pleasure of attending my son's homecoming pep assembly (proud Mom moment because he is on the homecoming court) but I got to witness the joy of the students and school staff. They were laughing and dancing and cheering together. One of my past student teachers, Faith Notz, now teaches at my son's school. She didn't know I was there, standing in the back, watching this fun event take place. But there she was volunteering for the games and having so much fun with the students. The experience went from a proud mom moment into a proud Dean moment as I watched Ms. Notz, who was trained here at MoBAP by many of you, shining the light of Christ making a positive impact on her students having fun with them.
My challenge to you this is week is two-fold: Have fun with your students and teach them to have fun with their future students.


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