Friday Memo 10/30/15
MACTE Conference The Fall MACTE (Missouri Association of Colleges of Teacher Education) conference was Monday - Wednesday. Alicia Noddings, Erica Bumpers, Tonia Crane, Susan Hladky, and I attended a variety of meetings ranging in topics from MoPTA to MEES to Instructional Technology. For summaries of the workshops attended, please see the Education Division's Professional Development Course Shell found on all division faculty members' list of Canvas courses. Image Source: Visit to Lindbergh Schools Shelton Smith and I met with one of our doctoral students, Suzanne Bright, along with Brian McKenney, Lindbergh's Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. Thanks to those of you who serve on doctoral committees. I would like to encourage those of you who serve on committees to go the extra mile with your doctoral students. Respond to emails in a timely manner and help guide your doctoral student(s) through the arduous dissertation pro...