
Showing posts from October, 2015

Friday Memo 10/30/15

  MACTE Conference The Fall MACTE (Missouri Association of Colleges of Teacher Education) conference was Monday - Wednesday. Alicia Noddings, Erica Bumpers, Tonia Crane, Susan Hladky, and I attended a variety of meetings ranging in topics from MoPTA to MEES to Instructional Technology. For summaries of the workshops attended, please see the Education Division's Professional Development Course Shell found on all division faculty members' list of Canvas courses. Image Source: Visit to Lindbergh Schools Shelton Smith and I met with one of our doctoral students, Suzanne Bright, along with Brian McKenney, Lindbergh's Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. Thanks to those of you who serve on doctoral committees. I would like to encourage those of you who serve on committees to go the extra mile with your doctoral students. Respond to emails in a timely manner and help guide your doctoral student(s) through the arduous dissertation pro...

Friday Memo 10/23/15

Lighten Up Committee Luncheon As the faculty were enjoying Monday off during Fall Break, the staff were here working. But thanks to the Lighten Up Committee, we enjoyed a delicious lunch and participated in a pumpkin carving contest. The Education Division got Honorable Mention for our creation. Look out, Gina has a knife! Ellen and Melanie cleaning out the guts of the pumpkin. Mary Ann, Gina, and Melanie frantically finishing before the deadline. Our final creation The group with our pumpkin. Professional Learning Committees Tuesday morning the faculty met to begin our PLC work. We created three groups - two groups that will focus on making sure we prepare our students to utilize school data effectively & one group that will be working on improving the way we prepare our students to differentiate their instruction. We all met together for a general overview of the PLCs, a look at some data, and then we split up into groups. Each group identified a l...

Friday Memo 10/16

State-Wide MoPTA Task 4 Webinar at MBU Thanks to those of you who attended the event and a special thank you to our IT department for ensuring that we had the adequate technology set up and ready to go at 6:00pm so that we could connect between webinar facilitators located in Princeton, New Jersey, Jefferson City, MO, and from our campus in the Field Academic Building. Hap Hairston, Director of the Office of Educator Quality at DESE, traveled from Jefferson City to host the webinar on our campus. The first few MoPTA webinars have taken place in Springfield and Warrensburg. We are thrilled that we were invited to host to the Task 4 - Video - Webinar. Hap Hairston, DESE Director of Office of Educator Quality State-wide webinar being broadcast from MBU's Field Academic Building MoPTA Task 4 Webinar Slide Troy/Wentzville RLC Appreciation Meeting Mary Sue Thompson, Dean of the T/W Regional Learning Center, each fall invites deans, division chairs, and the provost to...

Friday Memo 10/9/15

MoPTA Task 4 Webinar on MBU Campus! Hap Hairston, Director of Educator Preparation in the Office of Educator Quality at DESE has asked me if we would be willing to host the Task 4 webinar this coming Wednesday night on our campus. The first webinar was hosted at Missouri State, the second webinar was hosted at University of Central Missouri, and I am pleased that DESE has asked us to host the webinar for Task 4. I would like to encourage all faculty members and students to join us. Student Teaching Seminar instructors and Student Teaching Supervisors are encouraged to attend, but other faculty members who are interested in learning more about this new performance assessment are encouraged to join us as we are able to ask questions and learn more information directly from DESE representatives. Please encourage your students to attend as we would like to have a good representation of our faculty and students in attendance. Feel free to share the following information on your Canvas ...

Friday Memo 10/2/15

Education Division Norms Based on a synthesis of the feedback provided by the faculty members who attended the PD session with Suzanne Bright, the following norms were established. I encourage all of you to remember these norms as we work together.  We will….. Be led by Christ. Keep our actions and conversations “above the line” by owning the successes or failures of every student and gently redirecting one another when we fall “below the line”. Be receptive to all ideas and consider perspectives, agreeing to disagree when necessary. Collaborate with one another and share what is working.   Be positive in our approaches and interactions. Communicate openly, honestly, and diplomatically, and speak directly to a person if there is an issue. Image Source: Core Alignment Document and Syllabus Meeting Sheri Brandt, Tim Delicath, David Collum, Tina Ketterer, Ellen John, Gina Walker, Kristie Breeding, ...