Friday Memo 9/25/15

Clinical Supervision
I would like to strongly encourage all of you who are supervising undergraduate or graduate students in clinical school settings to please assign them the grade they deserve. Be very intentional and thorough throughout the semester as you complete rubrics during your observations. Provide the students with very thorough feedback about their strengths and their weaknesses. For the most part our students do a fantastic job during their capstone field experience (student teaching, counseling internship, culminating practicum, capstone field experience, etc.) However, I am currently dealing with a situation in which we have a student teacher who is not prepared to be in a student teaching setting. Erica Bumpers, Angela McGowan, and I are working closely with him and his cooperating teacher to determine our next best steps. It is critical that we not give students a false sense of hope during their field experience prior to their final clinical experience.

Professional Development Meeting
Thanks to Suzanne Bright, Consultant with Center for the Collaborative Classroom and previous school principal in the Lindbergh school district, for presenting an interactive and informational session on Tuesday. We discussed the importance of accountability, perspective, and norm-setting. She helped us lay the groundwork for our PLC work that will begin on Tuesday, October 27th.
Suzanne Bright

Activity showing us that things look different depending on your perspective.

Suzanne used the colors of a beach ball as an analogy to help us understand others' perspective.

Norm-setting exercise

Graduate Affairs Program Changes
Tim Delicath and I met to finalize a proposal that will go to the Graduate Affairs Committee. In summary, the proposals include the following changes that need to be made to the MSE, MAT, and MAC program due to GRED 543 Methods of Inquiry I now including completion of an action research project.
  • MAT & MSE  - Elimination of GRED 563 - School Improvement Project - Addition of requiring 3 more hours of electives
  • MAC - Elimination of GRED 583 Master's Project - Addition of requiring 3 more hours of electives
CAEP Conference
For the next few weeks I am going to share in the blog something I learned at the CAEP conference. Please take a look at the following powerpoint that was presented at one of the breakout sessions. Identifying and Assessing School Partnerships
CAEP and CEEDAR communicate clearly the importance of university-PK-12 school partnerships. The timing of this workshop was perfect as I am in the process of identifying and beginning the conversations with local school districts to establish partnerships. Look closely at the continuum on the Rubric for Clinical Partnerships. We will be taking a hard look at our relationships with our local PK-12 schools. According to this rubric I would say that we are at the casual association level on the continuum. I would like for us to establish strong partnerships that move us to the mature partnership column. Mature partnerships will benefit all of our students!

Consortium for Global Education 
Tonia Crane - Presented a workshop titled "Syrian Refugee Initiative - Lebanon and Jordan with Nabil Costa, LSESD, Brenda Richards, CGE Staff, Fred Tiedemann, CGE Jordan, and David Finn, Samford at Charleston Southern University - Charleston, SC - September 16-18.
Tonia, Sheri Brandt, and Dr. Dykstra met with Nabil Costa to discuss a possible partnership with CGE and MBU. We are excited about the potential of this partnership.

Administrative Assistant Position Opening
If you know anyone who may be interested in this position, please forward them the link to the position description and application process  Administrative Assistant Position

SEMO Classroom Visit
Shelton Smith visited Southeast Missouri State University's newly renovated teacher education facility. SEMO has built some innovative facilities that look very different than the typical classroom. I am anxious to hear more about their new learning spaces and dream about how we can do something similar here at MBU.
Classroom with chairs that easily swivel to work with others and desktops that move.

Close up shot of the swivel chairs.

Typical computer lab

Camera for recording the counseling sessions in the room in pic below

Counseling space

Classroom space to teach group therapy

Classroom for easy group work

Lab setting where students learn to present information

Lab for small group work and to communicate with students via skype

Station for students to practice uploading videos of their teaching and to prepare for uploading video clips for performance assessments

Classroom with table to practice teaching reading similar to elementary setting

Classroom with seating and technology to enhance group learning and presentations
Observation area to observe counseling and teaching

Upcoming Meetings:

  • Faculty Meeting - Monday, 9/28   3:00pm   Performance Hall
  • Directors' Meeting - Tuesday, 9/29   10:15am   Field Conference Room
  • Mobile Learning Initiative - Thursday, 10/8   9:00am   FLD 346
  • Division Faculty Meeting - Tuesday, 10/13   10:15am   Field Conference Room

This week has been a challenging week for me personally. My thirteen year old son, Roman, tore his ACL. My other son, Dane, tore his ACL when he was 8, and my husband has had many knee surgeries so we are familiar with the challenges that lie ahead for our boys. Although I have had to take Roman to the orthopedic surgeon many times, an MRI, X-Ray, PT, and a brace fitting this week, I am grateful that God has given me a peace that passes all understanding about his injury. I am looking at this positively, Roman will be spared from years of trauma to his brain and body due to his football career possibly ending.
Philippians 4:11-13 reminds me to be content and lean on Christ who gives me strength.
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.


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