Friday Memo 1/30/15

I am currently multi-tasking as I am at a meeting in Jefferson City right now with Shelton Smith, so this Friday memo will be shorter than others.

Work of the division this past week:

Faculty Development

  • Continued evaluations - I completed my evaluations of the full-time faculty.  Thanks again, full-timers for your efforts in completing your self-evaluation and for taking the time to meet with me. Now that I have been through this process twice, I am looking forward to making a few adjustments next year as I would like to spend some more time and energy discussing your own professional goals for the upcoming year.
  • Faculty Meeting - We met briefly to discuss the action alert noted below and to discuss a few other topics. 
  • Professional Development - Thanks to Amber Henry for presenting to the faculty about Google Forms. Many PK-12 school districts utilize google applications so we need to make ourselves familiar with these technology tools. We learned how easy it is to make a google form and share that link with students. 
  • Action Alert - Response to Federal Regulations Proposal - I sent an email yesterday regarding the response to the Federal Regulations Proposal. Deadline to comment is February 2nd. 
  • David Collum's Defense - There was a packed house in FLD Conference Room yesterday for David's Dissertation Defense. He did a great job summarizing his study of simSchool. Congratulations, David!!
  • CEEDAR State Steering Committee Meeting - I look forward to sharing more in the immediate future about our work with CEEDAR - Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform.

Program Development

  • AAT Redesign Committee - I serve on this state committee. This group got together this week and decided to pause to wait for the four-year institutions to make curricular changes before determining the details of the new AAT.
  • Program Design Task Force - This group met to continue moving forward with the curricular changes. One new item discussed was the need to share all of these changes with adjunct instructors. We will be intentional about communicating all changes through the lead instructors in the coming months.
  • Campus Labs - Compliance Assist & Accreditation - Our Campus Labs representative conducted meetings to teach us how to utilize campus labs for accreditation purposes. We also learned how to access analysis tools for the student evaluations.

Student Recognition

  • Outstanding Students of Achievement

Nominee - Student
Arnold Campus
Megan Lashley-Sanders
Franklin County
Michelle Brinkman/Betsey Miller
Jefferson College
Robin Williams
Mineral Area
Matthew Merseal
Walter Ferguson
Early Childhood
Joanna Fisher
Elementary Education
Hayley Elders
Middle School Education
Savannah Azurin
Secondary Education
Carina Gurnow/ Kaylin Bade
Cross Categorical Disabilities
Emma Miers
Physical Education
Kalvin Lewis
Health Education
Clayton Baker
Educational Leadership
Kim Coe

Upcoming Events and Meetings:
Backpack to Briefcase – Monday, February 2nd 3:30pm – 5:00pm Field Room 328
Chapel - Wednesday, Feb. 4 & Thursday, Feb. 5 11:00am
Faculty Meeting - February 9 3:30pm
NO Division Faculty Meeting - February 10th
Education Job Fair – Tuesday, February 10th 10:00am – 2:00pm Sports & Recreation Complex
METC Conference - February 10-11

Enjoy your Superbowl and maybe snowy weekend with friends and family!

For in Him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him.
Colossians 1:16



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