Friday Memo: August 31, 2018

School of Education
In the fall of 2016, I gathered some of my faculty and staff to be part of my Lead Team. We met approximately once a month to discuss our vision and dreams for the, at that time, Education Division. We wrote down all of our dreams and compiled a list and I’m happy to report that several of those dreams have come true. One of them was that we become a School of Education, which happened at the end of last year. We met this week and reviewed our list and are ready to add more dreams! The possibilities are endless.

The President's Party was held Friday, August 24, 2018. It was a wonderful evening and we celebrated many people in the School of Education. Thank you to President Ross, his wife, and Janet Mayfield and her team for hosting the event. I hope the new folks felt welcomed and the existing folks appreciated for their years of service.

New Faculty:
Justin Cook
Jason Jordan
Bridgett Niedringhaus

5 Year Award:
Melanie Bishop
Mary Ann Bouas
David Collum
Tammy Cox
Ellen John
Alicia Noddings

10 Year Award:
Amanda Kehoe

15 Year Award:
Angela McGowan

Larry Richardson
Charles (Scully) Stikes

Upcoming Meetings
Monday, September 3 - Labor Day
Tuesday, September 11 - School of Education Faculty Meeting at 10:15 am in FLD 115

Closing Thoughts
This verse is very familiar to most of us, but we typically think of this verse as a guide for how we treat our spouse. It is often read at weddings. Although this is certainly applicable in our relationships with those closest to us, I want you to read and think about how we show love to our students and to each other using these action words. I often see you all being patient with one another and with the students. I challenge you to read this verse and consider how you might improve in one small way as we love one another as Jesus has loved us.


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