Friday Memo 11/18/16
Veterans' Day Celebration Thanks to Jim Chellew's great idea to honor veterans, Marsha Tierney and the folks at the Franklin County RLC were instrumental in putting together a celebration to honor the veterans that attend the Franklin County RLC. Thank You for Your Service gift bags were given to those that have served our country. Pictured below are Clifford Matthews and Michael Edwards. Clifford is the son of Dr. Pat Guyton, a former educator at MBU. APR Data Discussion Kathleen Wendt led a discussion with me, Angela McGowan, Tina Ketterer, and Michael Broombaugh to ensure everyone is entering in completer data correctly into CAMS so that when she submits completer data every October to DESE that we have the information entered correctly. We submitted our data in October and will see our results in December. David Collum, Assessment Director, will be attending a meeting in Jefferson City on November 29th to review the APR results and DESE will share with the gro...